
Welcome to Castle Street Church: Touching Lives in Dingwall and Beyond!

At Castle Street Church, we’re more than just a congregation; we’re a family bound by a shared commitment to serving God and people, both in our local community of Dingwall and in the far reaches of the world. We’re delighted to have you here with us, whether you’re a long-time member, a first-time visitor, or someone exploring your faith.

Church Diary

The Church sanctuary will open for morning services as usual from Sunday, the 14th of July at 11 am. All are welcome!


10.15 am:  Prayer time in the Session Room

11.00 am: Morning Service in the Sanctuary

Children’s Church in the Session Room

06.00 pm: Evening service (café style) in the Hall



07.00 pm: Zoom Prayer meeting



Girls’ Brigade will start again on Tuesday 3rd September 2024



10.00 am:  The Well in the Session Room

10.00 am: Top Tots in the Hall



07.30 pm: Bible Study & Prayer Meeting in the Session Room

Except on the 3rd Thursday of each month.



 06.30 pm: Prayers for the global Church – first Fridays of each month

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