Jacksons, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions, Whats On

Jacksons Update – February 5th 2020

Edward (released from Drakenstein in August) didn’t get a promised job but still trusts God and wants to honour him.

Stephen’s children have been removed from their neglectful and alcohol abusing mother and his sister, with a much more stable home, has now been granted full custody.

In sharp contrast, Sylvester, released only in January, was returned to prison this week for tying up and raping two women in a hostel despite being been seen as trustworthy while in Drakenstein.  Dawn was encouraged to hear the disgust and disappointment amongst the men about his behaviour. He will likely never be released again.

More women need to press charges to make men face the consequences of their sexual violence.

Hugenote college has been welcoming new students. One of the students was so proud last year to have had his highest exam mark ever – 30% – showing that some of the students have not had a great start in life but are trying. The college sees its role as a mission to walk with such students through education and into a job. The college survives by faith and Fraser is endeavouring to provide good support and ideas for its IT and distance learning systems.