Daniel Centre
They hope to have a new Counsellor in the next week. They have temporarily taken back in an old resident of 20 years ago, Anil, till he finds alternative accommodation, as he is incapable of surviving on his own. André also came back but they had to let him go as his attitude had not improved.
They hope to receive their completion certificate for the depot today to start having income from renting it out.
Balazs profited from his visit to Ukraine with Christian Aid as it gave him vital experience of their due diligence passporting programme for Blythswood’s own work in future. CA will now work directly with the Ukrainian partners rather than through Blythswood. Balazs does a further due diligence programme with them in Odessa in early November and revisits Odessa with Jeremy, the Blythswood CEO, in December to film the distribution of shoeboxes in preparation for their 2026 appeal.
The parents of Olga (the Ukrainian lady who has been Blythswood’s go-between for the Ukraine) are now renting one of Blythswood’s apartments in Cluj.
Talita Kum
The Romanian government had given up plans to provide after-school activities and have now also given up their after-school meals for underprivileged school children. So Talita Kum is back in the cockpit for both activities. Adi is still challenged financially in recruiting new teaching staff for Talita Kum but both of his charity shops in Jimboliya are currently doing well.