Fraser has projects which colleges want him to complete before we leave. Pray he gets everything accomplished.
Pray he can change the Hugenote College library website setup so the librarian can keep it updated in his absence.
The Restorative Justice week at Drakenstein Medium B was nearly 4 weeks ago with still no arrangements for the follow up sessions – a let-down for the participants. Pray for a time to be fixed and enough team members available to go on with the young men as they change their lives.
In the Medium A Bible study we looked at “Why does God allow calamity to happen?” One man, troubled by this for weeks, summed up his feelings: “I understand why bad things happened when I was doing bad things but now I’m following Jesus and my life has changed and bad things still happen. I wanted to give up. I wanted to die.” The last 2 weeks looking at Job have helped him figure a few things out (2 more sessions to go on the subject).
Pray for greater understanding for him and others who struggle, especially when confronted by “pastors” who tell them bad things or ill-health happens because they’re not in right standing with God, their faith isn’t strong enough. Such comments cause a lot of heartache. Pray that Dawn can explain things clearly and accurately.
Thank God He’s reassuring us of things fitting into place step by step as we prepare to leave. Pray we’ll get all documents submitted or gathered before we must go.