Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Baptists pressurised to accept illegal agreement – June 12th

Church in Chains, May 29, 2024 (excerpts)

Local government officials in Hidalgo state in southern Mexico are pressurising a group of 151 Baptists expelled from their villages to sign an agreement that violates human rights protections under Mexican law.

The Baptists were forced out of neighbouring villages on 26 April because of their religious beliefs. Village leaders cut off their electricity, vandalised and blocked access to their church and some of their homes and posted guards at the entry points to the villages. The expelled Christians had suffered years of persecution because of their refusal to participate in local religious festivals that are incompatible with their faith.

In a press conference on 15 May, church leaders said that they do not want to accept the agreement, which is being pushed by the municipal government in the nearby city, because it would allow village leaders to fine the victims approximately £7000, ban 5 families from returning and only permit the other families to return under the severe restrictions imposed on them since 2015.

The group of expelled Christians numbered 139 at first, but grew as church members working outside their villages at the time were refused entry when they tried to go home.

The government initially provided food and water, but in insufficient quantities, and the group was then moved to another area where local churches provided humanitarian aid and joined in the call for the government to respond.