Voice of the Martyrs, 25 August 2022 (excerpts)
During the last week of May 2022, Eritrean police arrested 17 Christians who had gathered for prayer. A week later, authorities arrested 25 more believers, including eight children. All 42 Christians remain in detention.
Located on the Red Sea, Eritrea is governed by a totalitarian regime that seeks to control every aspect of life. Some have compared Eritrea to the “hermit kingdom” of North Korea, as it is one of the most secretive and isolated countries in the world. In 2002, the government outlawed every form of religion except Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Roman Catholicism and the Lutheran Church.
Years of communism, required military service and economic depression have caused many Eritreans, including evangelical believers, to flee the country. Travel for Eritreans is restricted by their government.
Over the past year, the government has released some Christian prisoners while arresting several new groups.
Despite these hardships, the underground church in Eritrea continues to grow due to the faithfulness of church leaders inside and outside the country.