Open Doors, 14 August 2020
Lydia faces persecution for her faith, a lot of people believe that being a woman makes her weak. She learned how untrue this was at a seminar run by Open Doors partners.
She is a pastor’s wife from northern Myanmar where Christians are a minority, just 8 per cent of the population.
Despite being from a Christian family, Lydia’s walk with the Lord hasn’t always been easy. People can become angry when she tries to tell them about Jesus, and she has seen families disown believers for choosing to follow Christ.
“Nevertheless,” she says, “we continue sharing the gospel slowly and carefully. We are always vigilant and we use more creative ways to talk about the love of Christ.”
“Through the seminar, God changed my whole perspective on life,” says Lydia. “God has not just saved me but also lifted me up. I am precious, unique and have potential. I can make God known to others and have talents I to use and multiply.”
This training helps the church become more resilient in places where it is persecuted and helps equip it to meet the diverse needs of all its members, male or female.
Lydia was so excited that she decided to share her learning with other women: “I was inspired to be an empowered woman, doing everything that I can do with all my strength for what God had prepared for me in advance to do.”