Ebrahim in Maximum had found that his guitar had been deliberately broken and started to hate the culprit. He later heard God tell him that if he wanted God to come through for him he would have to forgive the culprit. He decided to forgive. The next day someone gave him a guitar, better than the broken one. He told the others that if you don’t forgive, there’s no point coming to this class. They now have four guitars for music classes. God provides many creative ways for us to be involved with him.
Many of the men are keen to serve the Lord and enjoy being in a “brothers’ room”. But some new believers, like Jetro in Medium A, are alone in a gang room. He suspects that some of his roommates are interested in Christianity but are too afraid of the senior gangsters to express their interest. May the men think seriously about whether they are in the right room and ask to move if God leads them.
Theswin in Medium A has found out that his young nephew has been shot in the neck and paralysed. Last Sunday, he stepped in at the last moment when the preacher didn’t turn up and said he’d never felt the Holy Spirit work through him as powerfully as when he spoke to the men that day. Derick in Medium A who is being troubled by issues from his past.
Fraser has had a good meeting with representatives of NETS in Namibia and some new ideas for streamlining the NetACT internet portal, making it easier to administer and solving some technical problems he’s been struggling with. A technology he uses has had a major upgrade. He has to work out the implications and be able to upgrade the various NetACT sites which use it.
Ruth is able to come and spend time with us over Easter.