Fraser was granted his new visa and he collected it last week. Dawn’s application is still awaiting an outcome so please continue to pray that it will be sorted out soon.
Fraser has some server updates scheduled for the end of the year (the only time no student needs access to the resources). Pray it goes smoothly with no technical hitches.
God doesn’t leave us to travel along the wrong path without giving warning signs. Thank him that some of those in the prison ministry realised they were heading the wrong way and sought help before things got too bad. Pray that they will be restored and grow in maturity, wisdom and faith.
Pray that the parolees in the recent restorative justice course can put into practice what they learned over the Christmas period.
Pray for the ability to pass on God’s message even when it’s not welcome.
We wish you all a blessed and joyful Christmas and thank you for the part you’re playing in supporting God’s work.