Answered prayer: Faiek in Maximum now has earphones to help shut out sounds programmes that tempt him. A responsible job in reception also helps the days pass faster. He wants to thank everyone who prays for him.
Lungile in Medium A took part in the Restorative Justice week. Pray for him to be able to step out and see how God will meet him and be able to leave the prison gang.
December is extremely hot in prisons and tempers fray. Last week there were two stabbing incidents in local prisons.
Justin, Ricardo, Keenan, Quintin and Sylvester are being released from prison in the next few weeks. Pray that what they’ve learned about God will stay with them and guide their lives in the right paths.
The power cuts started on Thursday afternoon, just after Fraser had finished the library portal training – another prayer answered. Give thanks that the electricity is now working again.
Over the year he’s trained 66 people, representing 48 NetACT partner colleges, in the use of the internet portal. Pray that they would be able to pass that training on to their staff and students and also to the few colleges who were unable to send representatives.