Jacksons – May Update 2
InReach in Nigeria is being greatly used to help Muslims encounter Jesus. This is often not safe. A group of converts are still across Nigerian borders, being discipled and looked after in a safe place.
One of the men involved in their escape was captured by Boko Haram but recently managed to escape – he has been left extremely traumatised. Pray for his healing and continued safety. Pray for the InReach team – Boko Haram know who they are and are gathering information on them.
Please pray for wisdom for all those in authority who are having to make decisions that affect people’s lives, that their decisions will be made selflessly and with integrity, without regard to their personal aggrandisement.
Pray for the congregations that have no facilities for online services, that people will not drift into misinformation and conflict.
Dawn had many of the Covid 19 symptoms 4 weeks ago and Fraser took to bed with what looked like the same thing. But Dawn’s strength is holding up and Fraser is gradually progressing in the right direction.