Jacksons, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Jacksons Update – May 4th 2022


Fraser has just received a tentative contact from someone in Scotland wishing to discuss passing books on to colleges of theology in Africa.  Thank God for the opportunity and pray that this would work out practically.

The Editorial Board meeting for the NetACT journal will now be on 13th May.  May the articles be useful and thought-provoking and the technicalities run smoothly.

Dawn turned up at Obiqua prison to start the Restorative Justice follow-up but no one knew she was coming.  Thank God for helpful staff there and for the good session she had with the six men who’d done RJ.  They’re still supporting each other and keen to make the right decisions in the right way. Pray that this would continue.

Dawn was able lead a Restorative Justice follow-up session at Pardeberg prison for the six men there.  Their thoughts and attitudes are being changed by what they’re learning and they’re determined to continue on the right way.  Pray that the follow-up sessions will be applicable, challenging and helpful.

The Bible studies at Drakenstein had to be cancelled today as the chapels were being used for Ramadan services.  Pray that Jesus’ followers will reach out in love to their Muslim neighbours.

Ruth was able to stay with us for two weeks and now flies back to Glasgow for the start of her final term.  Please pray we’d all settle back into life on different continents again.