At Drakenstein Maximum Bible study Walter, a long term resident and regular Bible study attendee, objected to another man sitting beside him, got up and sat by himself at the back. Dawn reminded him that, as a follower of Jesus, you are to forgive anyone who offends you. Walter returned to his seat. Later in the class he apologised to the other man. That took – strength and humility.
Ebrahim in Maximum says he’s innocent and it often leaves him very depressed. His wife believes and supports him.
Teswill in Medium A is quietly evangelising, particularly with Smee, a senior general in the 26 prison gang. The Holy Spirit seems to be moving in Smee’s life. Pray for wisdom for Teswill as he relates to Smee.
At the year-end events in Maximum and Medium A, many men came to individually thank Dawn and Hylma for being there all year. They delegated a man to give public thanks and a letter including thanks to our husbands for their support, assuring them we’d be looked after if there was any trouble. Another man, very talented in art, gave each of us an original work of his. At Maximum, Dawn played 3 carols with men of the guitar group and the rest of the men singing along. It was quite something.
A prison officer wanted to talk to Dawn one to one for counselling. They have a very difficult job with great strains on their family lives. Thank God she is there to listen, maybe another great opportunity. She returns to Maximum next week for one-to-ones with 3 men and hopefully a proper chat with the officer.
Fraser is still trying to get the latest NetACT journal issue published before he leaves for the UK. He travels to the UK on Thursday. He is in the Dingwall area from 5th-21st December. He flies home with Dawn on January 18th.