Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Laos Teens Remain Firm Despite Family Pressure – October 5th 2022

Voice of the Martyrs, October 06, 2022

Since accepting Christ, Ton, age 17, and Tan, 15, have been harassed for their decision by their mother and older siblings.  Their mother and the rest of the family are aggressively pressuring the girls to travel to Vientiane to prostitute themselves and send the money back to the family.  

The girls have stood firm against this pressure because they know that they cannot submit to their family’s corrupt plans.  The girls are also refusing to marry unbelievers despite repeated attempts by their family to arrange such unions.  Ton asked for prayers that she and her sister would be able to be good daughters to their mother.

The Communist government, in conjunction with Buddhist monks, persecutes Christians, with the exception of the government-controlled Lao Evangelical Church.  Poverty, lack of infrastructure and mountainous terrain make evangelistic outreach challenging.  Thanks to bold evangelists, churches continue to grow even as they experience ongoing persecution.

Most believers are persecuted by family members or village authorities concerned that Christians offend the spirits, and the central government restricts Christian activity.