Voice of the Martyrs, 14th September 2023
Pastor Filadelfo, a former drug trafficker who is now an evangelist, has been jailed repeatedly for his gospel witness and was kicked out of his village for refusing to renounce Christ and return to the traditional religious practices of the village.
Because of the prayers and support he has received through VOM, Filadelfo is able to continue to share the gospel in Southern Mexico, praying for the sick and providing Bibles to believers who don’t have one.
Recently, he prayed for an elderly woman who was sick, and she placed her trust in Christ. He provided her with discipleship materials to help her grow in her walk with Christ.
Specific areas within southern Mexico have a high concentration of indigenous minority groups. These minority communities, which maintain a separate identity and language, are systematically oppressed by local authorities.
Christians among them are persecuted by Marxist and animist groups as well as village leaders. Tribal leaders persecute Christians in defence of their indigenous culture, and the federal government allows this.
These communities are remotely located and difficult to reach. Despite persecution, the number of Christians has continued to grow in these areas.