Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Persecution of minority Christian women – December 5th 2018

World Watch Monitor, November 26, 2018

Five new reports – about Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Colombia and the Central African Republic – unmask the multiple domestic, societal and state dynamics used in the persecution of Christian women and girls in each country.

 While men often face much more obvious and public forms of pressure and persecution for their faith, women’s suffering is often in daily life.

 Each report, by Open Doors International, catalogues the inter-related web that connects simultaneous persecuting events. The resulting picture is akin to the anguish caused by a thousand paper cuts, plus much deeper wounds.

 In all these contexts, women’s lives are all too often characterised by invisible and lifelong hardship. However, women from minorities (in this case Christians, but not excluding others too) have their difficulties compounded by their socio-economic and legal inequalities.