Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

The Berta in Ethiopia – August 30th

Joshua Project, 28 August 2023

Very few of the Berta people in Ethiopia have accepted Christ. After several centuries of Arab Sudanese influence, most have embraced Islam. The majority are farmers. During weddings, men play large calabash trumpets called waz’a.

Even though the Berta are officially Muslim, they believe in religious specialists who practice healing and display divination powers. The Berta believe these specialists have the ability to deal with evil spirits. They do not accept Christ’s ways.

There are many evangelical Christians in Ethiopia. These believers can go as missionaries and commit themselves to taking the gospel to all unreached tribes in Ethiopia.

There are a few Christians among the Berta. Pray for them to become firmly established in the faith, not wavering in their commitment to know and follow Christ. Pray for God’s word to be translated into the Berta language. Pray for adequate supplies of clean drinking water and rainfall for their crops and livestock.

Pray for rising literacy rates among the youth. Pray for the Berta people to look to the Lord for all their physical and spiritual needs and find him faithful. Pray for spiritual hunger that will give them hearts that seek after God. Pray for workers who will teach Berta believers to make more disciples.