Joshua Project, 02 May 2023
The Hadi people have low status, even for a low status caste community. They are mainly street sweepers, a job that carries contempt among many Hindu communities. The Hadi fear leaving the Hindu religion of their ancestors. There is a lot of pressure to remain within Hinduism, especially from powerful castes.
Followers of Christ can tell them about equal acceptance and forgiveness from the God of the universe. There are many Christ followers among other people groups that can show them the way to salvation.
Pray for Christian believers to do whatever they can to establish Christ’s kingdom among the Hadi people. Pray for the Hadi people to have their educational and physical needs met, and that they would give glory to God.
Pray the Holy Spirit would give spiritual courage to thousands of Hadi who need a new spiritual beginning.
Pray that Indian believers would demonstrate that following Christ can be done within their cultural context. Pray the Hadi people would understand that following Christ will mean living an abundant spiritual life.