Barnabas Fund, 14 June 2021 (excerpts)
A 17-year-old Ethiopian Christian has been shot dead without trial in broad daylight at a roundabout in Dembi Dollo, Oromia region on 11 May.
Oromia regional special forces claimed that Amanuel Wondimu belonged to the banned Oromo Liberation Army (OLA). They arrested, beat and paraded him, forcing him to shout, “I am a member of the OLA. Don’t do what I did. Learn from me.”
The town’s administration posted a video on social media in which security forces taunt the bloodied teenager with a handgun tied around his neck.
He was shot twice in the head at a roundabout in the town. Witnesses said local police and armed forces ordered vehicles to stop and compelled local residents and business owners to watch the killing.
Since the killing, government authorities have further intimidated Dembi Dollo residents, including Amanuel’s family members and friends.
Amanuel’s father asserted that his son had no links with the OLA, he was a devout Christian and served as a deacon in his local church.
Another relative said that Amanuel never had any involvement in politics, adding, “He spends most of his time in the church. The accusations against him are absurd.”