Blythswood, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Blythswood Update – December 05th 2018

Blythswood – December Update 1  

Talita Kum & Daniel Centre

Thank God for all those who have put together and checked the shoeboxes for this year’s appeal for Eastern Europe.

Thank God for all those involved in the logistical work of getting those boxes over to the target countries.

Thank God for all those who will be involved within the target countries in selecting the families who should receive the boxes and in making sure that they get to the designated families safely.

Pray that those who receive the boxes will not simply be touched materially but also touched deep within their spirits.

Barnabas, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Barnabas Update – November 20th 2018

Algerian authorities seal village church

Barnabas Fund, 13 November 2018

Authorities in the village of Azaghar, south-east of Algiers, sealed a church building in October, falsely claiming that it failed to comply with health and safety regulations.

It was sealed despite the 300-strong congregation installing fire exits and fire extinguishers in response to an earlier request. The church has a powerful ministry to local Muslims.

In practice, authorities have typically allowed churches registered with official religious organisations and even non-registered Christian groups to meet without needing specific permission. However, some churches have been closed in 2018, for alleged breaches of health and safety, or because authorities claim they are not properly registered.

The church in Azaghar is thought to be the fourth Christian place of worship shut down in 2018.

Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Vietnamese Christian refugees in Thailand – November 20th 2018

Barnabas Fund, 13 November 2018

Thai authorities have divided Vietnamese Christian refugee families, holding adults in a detention centre and children elsewhere.

Thai authorities refuse to recognise as refugees Christian Montagnards from Vietnam who have fled to Thailand to escape persecution.

Most of the Montagnard Christians detained have obtained recognised refugee status from the UNHCR, but Thai authorities have a track record of ignoring refugees’ status and instead detaining or deporting them.

Their greatest concern is what might happen if they are deported to Vietnam, some believing they will be jailed and tortured. Human Rights Watch has officially stated “persecution is driving Christians from Montagnard ethnic minorities to seek asylum in neighbouring Thailand”.

Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Ethiopian Christians ‘bribed’ to convert to Islam – November 20th 2018

World Watch Monitor, November 19, 2018

Young Ethiopian Christians are bribed with jobs and education prospects if they convert to Islam, according to the UK-based charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Unemployment is very high rate in Ethiopia, so such offers attract young people.

In one diocese, Muslims own the marble and gold mines and only give jobs to Muslims.

With money from Saudi Arabia, new mosques are being built in areas where permission to build new churches is difficult to obtain.

There are fears that Ethiopia – with a tradition of Muslims and Christians living together peacefully – is heading in the direction of Egypt and other countries that have seen an increase in the influence of foreign Islamic hard-liners.

Jacksons, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Jacksons Update – November 20th 2018

Dawn has finished studies on “Forgiveness” and “Doing no harm to others” at Drakenstein prison. Pray that men will hear and apply what God is saying to them.

 Pray for humility, a realistic godly outlook and good communication in the leaders of the prison ministry, that decisions will be made in a timely fashion, and that many inmates and prison staff will be impacted for eternity.

 Hugenote have appointed a staff member responsible for their e-learning system and library catalogue to work closely with Fraser.  Pray for good working relations.

The NetACT server has been delivered and installed.  Fraser is now transferring his platforms on to it.  A few more tests to be performed and then “live” testing!

Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Church in Nepal Forced to Shut Down – November 20th 2018

Church in Nepal Forced to Shut Down

Morning Star News, November 16, 2018

High-caste Hindus have harassed a church in Nepal, forcing it to shut down last week.

For two months Brahmins, the highest Hindu caste, had disrupted worship of the church each week and Church members had resorted to meeting in homes, but the Brahmins issued threats to anyone meeting anywhere.

Church attendance dwindled from 30 to 15-18 people before disbanding last weekend due to fear.

Initially the Brahmins objected to guitar and drums in the church service, and then to the Lord’s Supper once a month.

Where there had previously been no opposition, extremist Hindu groups from India have influenced Nepal’s Hindus.

Blythswood, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Blythswood Update – November 20th 2018

Talita Kum & Daniel Centre

The British Humanist Association recently urged people not to continue supporting the group Samaritans Purse in the UK which, like Blythswood, send shoe-boxes to various countries in Eastern Europe, because Christian literature is distributed with the boxes.

It is sad to see increasingly aggressive secular humanist attempts to deprive children in those countries of food for the spirit as well as material help delivered through these shoe-boxes.

Thank God for the wonderful efforts of the Samaritan’s Purse and Blythswood each year to see children and parents transformed by shoe-boxes of love.

Pray that these efforts will not be deflected by what is essentially mean-minded materialism.

Barnabas, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Barnabas Update – November 7th 2018

Turkey arrests another foreign church worker

Barnabas Fund, 30 October 2018

David Byle, who has lived for the past 18 years in Turkey, was arrested on 13 October during a routine ID check at an Ankara train station. After interrogation David was released the next day but ordered to leave the country within 15 days by Turkish officials. It is not yet known if David has left Turkey.

Over a period of eleven years, this is the fourth time that David has been arrested. The first occasion was in 2007 when police accused him of “missionary activity, disturbing the police, and insulting Islam”. The charges were dropped, but he was arrested again in 2009 and 2016.

Protestant Christians in Turkey report a rise in recent years in hate crimes and hate speech. Other Christians have suffered though incidents such as the confiscation of many church-owned properties.  In February 2018, the European parliament expressed serious concern about the lack of freedom of religion in Turkey “including the increased discrimination against Christians and other religious minorities”.

Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Christian Boy in Uganda Threatened with Death – November 7th 2018

Morning Star News, October 31, 2018

Radical Muslims in eastern Uganda on Thursday (Oct. 25) threatened to strangle a 12-year-old Christian boy to death unless he converted to Islam.  Emmanuel Nyaiti was on his way to his grandmother’s house when four area extremists ambushed him after 9 p.m. and took him to a cassava plantation.  The boy was able to identify one attacker as Ali Lukuman and another as Abdul.

“Ali Lukuman tried to persuade me to become a Muslim, which I refused.  They continued threatening me that they will kill me if I will not convert to Islam.”

Lukuman had previously sent Emmanuel’s father, Yokosofat, threatening messages.  “If you want to stay with us in our village, then you have to become a Muslim, but if not then you have to leave.”

The police say they are investigating while the assailants have yet to be found.

The assault was the latest of many in eastern Uganda that Morning Star News has documented in the past six years.  Uganda’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another.  Muslims make up no more than 12 percent of Uganda’s population.

Missions, The Persecuted Church Across the World

Violence against Christians in Assam – November 7th 2018

Morning Star News, November 2, 2018

 Three acts of aggression against Christians in Assam state, India in one month have raised concerns among Christian leaders.

 In Bongaigaon District, a radical Hindu mob on Oct. 2 assaulted three Christians in Dhaligaon village.  The hard-line Hindus refused to yield to orders to stop attacking Mahindra Brahma and his family, who became Christians 10 years ago.  Three guests had visited Brahma’s house that evening. After dinner, the extremists stopped their car and assaulted them with iron rods and stones.

 In Majuli District, a mob led by a Hindu priest attacked a church property on Oct. 15 and attempted to demolish the building.  Local villagers stopped them. Pastor Dutta, a convert from Hinduism, had built the bamboo structure for his 30-member congregation with his own hands.  “Once the villagers become Christians, they stop giving their offering to the temples, and this is making the Hindu priests angry.”

 In Sonitpur District, unidentified people desecrated a statue near a Catholic cathedral on Sept. 29.  “These people must have come prepared, because they used weapons to break the statue,” the principal of Emanuel Christian School told Morning Star News.