Blythswood, Missions

Blythswood Update 7th Nov 2017

Blythswood – November Update 1


Talita Kum


Two years ago, Flore was enrolled in Talita Kum.  She proved to be one of the most challenging children the staff had ever encountered.  “Flore was a little wild at first,” says Flavia, one of Talita Kum’s social workers.  “But now she has made more progress than any other child at Talita Kum.”


She will now sit quietly and do her maths homework by herself.  Skilled teachers are helping her to read both Romanian and, the language of her family, Hungarian.  She has successfully completed the first two years at school and is now in grade three.  She has also learned how to socialise, and the other children accept her well.



Daniel Centre


The Life Transformer programme is up and running, offering supporters the opportunity to make a commitment to partner with Blythswood Care for at least a year in giving a regular amount.  Donors will follow the story of Adrian, a young man at Daniel Centre, through regular updates.


A group of 9 folk from the UK took part in the Charity Challenge Trek to the 4600 metre Machu Picchu in Peru in October to raise funds for Blythswood Care.  The £15,000 raised will be split between Talita Kum and Daniel Centre.