Daniel Centre
The money previously assigned for the refurbishment of the large depot in Cluj has had to be temporarily re-directed to Blythswood in Deephaven to maintain essential services, including the food banks, across a wider spectrum of Blythswood projects which are currently in lockdown.
The Daniel Centre is in complete lockdown which means that all the residents have to be in isolation for 14 days and those young men who have been working will lose their jobs because of this. Two of the lads have left the Centre for the time being, another would like to leave but this would probably have to be permanent, and seven remain with different members of staff taking turns to spend two weeks in the Centre with the young men. The cook retires at the end of April but one of the current staffers will take his place.
The Daniel Centre has been delivering care packages to 30 homes, about 100 people, on a regular basis, but that has now to be curtailed to only the two most elderly and vulnerable people. The Daniel Centre will transfer money regularly to the accounts of the other 28 family units till the crisis is over.
Talita Kum
The lockdown continues and the staff are now on furlough and receiving 75% of their normal salary.
Balazs has had no news of whether their fortnightly quizzes going online has been successful or not. They may have to stop their care plan for the elderly in the current situation.