Talita Kum
3 more teachers are required to cope with the needs of Talita Kum. Most of the teachers have already taught in a government school from 08.00 to 12.00 before helping the children in TK from 13.00 to 17.00 – a spiritual vocation.
Once TK3 and TK4 are built, and a direct link between them and TK 1 & 2 demonstrated, EU funding is promised for full operational costs of the 4 houses for 3 years.
The fund application forms require hours of work, and the lady consultant for the building of TK3 and TK4 has now gone missing (possibly because of work overload). Pray for her and for a new consultant.
Daniel Centre
There is a regular Monday House Meeting to resolve any conflicts and work on personality development, a Sunday lunch with a Christianity Explored course beginning on April 28, and a Friday evening After Care meeting for former residents, which some current residents now like to attend.
André is a new resident and the Centre hopes that he will quickly become a real group member. Floreen hopes to join the centre when he turns 18 in June. 80-90% of the residents are from the Roma community.