Talita Kum
Each Talita Kum house can cope with a maximum of 40 children and is staffed from noon till 6p.m. by local school teachers after they finish their morning work in the state schools. A new member of staff has now been added and this has relieved pressure on the others.
The City Council of Jimbolia has granted them a building to house Talita Kum 3 & 4, with space for an after-school trainee hairdressing salon and a computer training area.
Adrian Poppa has to apply to the EU by mid-May for operational costs (mainly staff salaries) for Talita Kums 2, 3 & 4, but has had positive feedback already with the granting of the new building.
Daniel Centre
It is a 6-hour road journey from the Daniel Centre in Cluj to Talita Kum in Jimbolia.
The converting of the Daniel Centre to independent flats means that they can now house a maximum of 9 young men who are mostly from the local area around Cluj. One member of staff has been made redundant but that puts more pressure on those who remain.
The young man with mental health issues has broken his arm for the second time, again amazingly in his bed. But he is now emotionally in a better place. Continue to pray for divine intervention in his life.