Talita Kum
The summer camps were all encouraging, the TK2 camp in Austria was welcomed and helped financially by Catholics there.
Adrian’s EU fund application has now passed the Administrative stage and 40% of other candidates have dropped out, increasing Talita Kum’s chances of success. He still needs €11,000 for consultant to meet the October deadline to begin the revamping and extension of the TK3 and TK4 buildings.
A Swiss organisation has brought a 1-week circus school to Jimbolia and children and staff from TK2 have been accepted to join the school free of charge, which Adrian now sees as a very positive thing for the children.
Daniel Centre
The Centre’s annual audit went well for Balazs, but they will have to apply next year for re-accreditation. Bureaucratic corruption is rife in Romania and can lead to long delays.
The reprisal of the After-Care meetings and the Christianity Explored Course are due to start in September.
1 new resident is expected this month and a troubled previous resident has returned on probation.