Daniel Centre
All of the Daniel Centre young men now have jobs except Danutz who is physically handicapped. The three young men in prison are inside for 1 year and 9 months but could get 25% off for good behaviour. Soreen, who has been relocated to another prison at his own request, is still in regular touch with the Daniel Centre and would like to come back there on his release.
The second phase of Christian Aid money for Ukraine, starting in early September, is to be channelled through Balazs for Blythswood. Balazs then has an intense fortnight of wrapping up his report on how the first phase of the money was used. Most of the new money will be distributed to internally displaced people as cash rather than as goods.
Talita Kum
Adi is preparing for the schools going back in at the beginning of September and expecting 77 children for their after-school activities. They will be keeping 4 girls who now have reached the end of TK2. About 90% of the children they look after are from the Roma or gypsy community.