Blythswood – December Update 1
Talita Kum
Talita Kum has the full support of the school and town mayor. Local teachers volunteer their time to help. Talita Kum has made basic improvements to the housing of some of the poorest families, benefiting the children and their parents.
We now have a charity shop in Jimbolia which is very successful. The profits from the shop go towards the costs of running the after-school club with the aim of making it self-sufficient in time.
Daniel Centre
Since 2000, the Daniel Centre, near Cluj-Napoca in Romania, has offered a home to almost 100 abandoned young men.
Young people leaving state care often end up living on the streets. Growing up, they receive very little education or training in life skills and struggle to find work and somewhere to live.
Up to 18 young men can be accommodated in a Christian environment, learning to cook, wash and iron their clothes, to keep their rooms clean and tidy and to help with jobs around the Centre. They then progress to semi- independent living in on-site apartments.
Those who have achieved independence still regard the Daniel Centre as home, knowing that there is always an open door.