Talita Kum
Talita Kum is situated near the Serbian border. Blythswood has 20 part-time and full-time staff at Talita Kum led by Adrian Poppa. Talita Kum 1 (TK1) caters for school years 1 to 4 and TK2 for years 5 to 8.
Many EU projects started in Romania were closed down because of widespread corruption in the use of the money. Very unique in Romania, only TK2 of all those projects was finished before the EU pulled the funding.
They are therefore now hopeful for a new grant to fund TK3 (for years 9 & 10), and TK4 (for years 11 & 12) to close the current gap between Talita Kum and the Daniel Centre.
The town significantly has no school drop-outs now.
Daniel Centre
The Daniel Centre is situated in Cluj in Transylvania in NW Romania and was started to cater for leavers from large State-care orphanages, most of whom are not orphans, but have been abandoned by parents in the drug culture, or from the Roma community or with disabilities.
The Daniel Centre has recently changed from being fully residential to having 4 independent flats with a communal unit. They are praying about whether to lay off their night-staff but one severely epileptic young man needs 24/7 care and cannot be left unattended at night.