Daniel Centre
André, Gaby and Cipri still have no work but Daniel continues with online school and has a part-time electrician’s job. The new resident Silveu has already found work with a construction company.
Soreen is now trying to move out with friends, not a good idea. Marian has a job fixing tyres to earn enough to refurbish his new flat. Alix will likely have to leave the Centre at the end of March because of his attitude.
Covid infections are falling in Romania. Blythswood is now awaiting offers for the development of their depot.
Balazs has had an excellent meeting with the Hungarian government representative – they are very open to sponsoring 24 months of volunteering and also for building an extra room for the school in Kenya.
Talita Kum
TK1 is now back to providing afternoon care as the Romanian schools are open again for grades 1-4. TK2 is still open the mornings as well in their normal afterschool mode.
Adi’s appeal has passed another milestone in acquiring EU funds for running costs for TKs 1-4. There is still a considerable shortfall, however, for getting TK3 and TK4 up and running.