Daniel Centre
Luisa came online today to be introduced to me and a couple of the Daniel Centre lads are in phone contact with Alex, Soreen & Ovidio in prison. They will be able to visit them soon and take in food parcels that Luisa is preparing for them. The expected new arrival has materialised – his name is Robi and he is in the process of applying for work at the nearby supermarket.
The new Ukrainian refugee family in the Daniel Centre apartment show little sign of wanting to learn Romanian or English and have little meaningful contact with Balazs.
Balazs and Finlay MacKenzie were able to visit churches in Ukraine but encountered issues in channelling Christian Aid and Blythswood money through them. They were put in touch, however, with a Dutch-sponsored Christian NGO in the Ukraine which is eager and available to interact with them.
Talita Kum
Because Balazs has been visiting Scotland recently and also spending a lot of time getting involved in the Ukraine, he has not been in touch with Adi in Jimboliya for an update on his activities there.