Talita Kum
Every God-given ministry requires faithfulness, integrity and perseverance. Pray for those called to work among the children of Talita Kum, that their example will inspire the children with whom they work and that their example will live on in the memory of these children throughout their adult years.
Pray that God will bring to Talita Kum the children of His purpose and that the influence of Talita Kum and the adults who run it will spread not only to the children but also to their families and the wider Romanian community.
Daniel Centre
Relationships formed in our late teens can last with us for many years. Pray that the relationships that the young men of the Daniel Centre form with each other will continue to strengthen and encourage them far beyond the years that they spend there.
Pray that the staff of the Centre will be encouraged to see fruit from their labours and have the strength and faith to go on loving and inspiring the young men even when the inevitable problems arise and when the spiritual enemy endeavours to undermine their labours.