Daniel Centre
Romania moves from a military state of emergency to a state of alert on 15th May, with deaths still contained at under 1000 for the country. Alix and István still work and keep to their own rooms when back at the house, but no Covid 19 testing in place poses problems for the others. Abram is on his two-week supervision of the Centre.
Balazs and family are currently on a break from the city, the children schooling online. This year looks to be the driest year since 1947 – the country will have to cut down on grain exports to non-EU countries.
Balazs returns to Cluj today to work on claiming government furlough subsidies for the Centre. An offer has been made for one of the Centre’ outlying properties and Balazs will meet the potential buyer in Cluj.
Talita Kum
No updated news at the moment but Talita Kum’s teachers continue online support to children normally attending Talita Kum under regular circumstances.
Adrian supports the children, their families and elderly in the Jimbolia community with meals from Talita Kum’s soup kitchen. This provides some relief for Talita Kum in its current cash-strapped situation.
The Talita 3 & 4 project is now in the detailed planning stage.