Daniel Centre
Cipri may now need a pacemaker for his heart. Ioan has found work pushing trolleys at a local supermarket.
The Centre has an ongoing task of monitoring and assessing their performance with the young residents and most of the load falls on their resident social worker Danny. It is unlikely that the other social worker Zencu, currently on maternity leave will return to work any time soon.
The demolition work on the depot has run into a major problem in getting asbestos removed.
A lot of Balazs’ time 15 is currently taken up by answering questions from the successful candidates for the Kenya project. They trust that the Hungarian government will provide funding for the Kenyans graduating from the high school they support to proceed to university.
Talita Kum
Schools have re-opened in Jimboliya so Talita Kum can return to its original afternoon programme. Adi is currently working on a project to start kindergarten work in the extra space available in the TK2 building.