Blythswood, Mission Partners of Castle Street, Missions

Blythswood Update – October 19th 2018

Talita Kum

The time is fast approaching for the many shoe-boxes prepared by a multitude of volunteers for Blythswood to be distributed to families in countries like Romania.

 Children who attend Talita Kum for school-day meals, showers and educational help will probably belong to families who will shortly receive these shoe-boxes.

 Some of these children will also have attended summer camps.

 Pray that the combined impact of these different factors will have a lasting, positive and powerful influence on the lives of both the children and their parents


Daniel Centre

Continue to pray for Balazs Csiszer and his team at the Daniel Centre, refurbished over the summer by the Go Relief team from Northern and Southern Ireland.

 Pray that the young men in the Centre will go on to become a positive and formative Christian influence in the Romania of the future.