Fraser had a very successful training event with librarians from South African, Kenyan, Malawian and Nigerian institutions last week. The group bonded very well and there was a real spirit of co-operation and a desire to make the portal as good and as easy-to-use as possible. The group were really excited by the potential of some of the things Fraser is building into the portal, especially the video-chat tool and the online learning environment.
Some days we have four 2½ hour blocks of time without power which is particularly disruptive for Fraser’s work and internet access. Pray that the supply will be improved.
Stoffels is to be released in August after 30 years inside. As deputy leader in his room, he is concerned that the “leader” feels he doesn’t need to deal with particular sins before taking communion and resents attempts to suggest otherwise. Pray for patience for Stoffels in this.
There have been no stabbings in Drakenstein prison for 6 months, warders attributing this to God’s influence. Derick last week felt a burden lift and God told him that it was because of prayers made on his behalf. No longer tempted by thoughts of suicide and now with a far less stressful prison job, he is very much encouraged.