Voice of the Martyrs, 28 April 2019
Both Malaysia and Brunei are Muslim-majority countries, and both apply their own manner of control over their inhabitants, based on their brand of Islamic law.
New believers are forced to walk away from friends and family who won’t tolerate apostates. Islamic radicalism is constantly present and is pressuring the authorities to implement more of their brand of Sharia law.
Many Christians are steadfast in their pursuit of God’s love and His presence. Praise and worship in the flourishing house church movements are electrifying with the power of the Holy Spirit – the presence of the Lord is tangible.
Christians are coping with the ever-changing pressure to renounce their faith and are overcoming these challenges by immersing themselves in God’s Word and spending quality time with Him.
The house church movement is growing rapidly, and the church needs quality leaders to undergird this growth and build a solid foundation that will withstand the constant barrage of Islamic radicalism.
The Body of Christ is healthy in these countries.